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Offensive Security Services

If an attacker made you their target, how could they get into your network? What would they do? How far could they get? Would your security controls stop the attack? Our Offensive Security Services answer these questions.

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Illustration representing the different business assets Soteria helps keep secure.
Penetration Testing

Pentest Everything. Networks. Apps. APIs. Clouds. Facilities.

When it comes to the effectiveness of your security controls, don't guess. Test. Our OffSec team performs pentesting services across networks, web applications, APIs, Cloud platforms, and physical facilities.

We find exploitable weaknesses threat actors would leverage to attack your organization and provide guidance to mitigate them before the attackers even know they're there.

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red team

Red Team Exercises To Test Your Blue Team's Ability to Defend Against Attacks

Goal-based engagements utilizing real-world adversary techniques designed to test your Blue Team's detection and response capabilities.

Unlike a traditional pentest where security monitoring teams are typically notified beforehand, a red team engagement enables you to assess your resilience against attacks from sophisticated threat actors focused on stealth and evasion. This model tests the entire security scope of an organization to include people, processes, and technology.

If you've had years of pentests without significant findings and you have a Blue (Defensive) Team, you may be ready to take the next step to a Red Team exercise.

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purple team

Build Your Security Team's Capabilities

In a Purple team engagement, we perform controlled, Red Team actions on specified assets and coordinate with your Blue teams to ensure visibility of the security events. We propose and develop testing scenarios and desired outcomes, then execute the exercises.

The process leading up to the actual tests includes the planning and development of specific tasks designed to effectively prompt Blue Team actions and remediation efforts against a security attack, without disrupting services. Purple Team engagements can dramatically improve a Blue Team's capabilities and provide great knowledge transfer opportunities.

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Vulnerability Scanning

Managed Vulnerability Scanning

We discover, assess, and prioritize vulnerabilities in your enviornment. Our Managed Vulnerability Scanning satisfies common regulatory requirements and provides you with an inventory of vulnerabilities, prioritized by severity.

This allows you to determine exposures with a risk-based view of your attack surface and quickly identify, investigate and prioritize your most critical assets, saving countless hours and stopping attacks before they can happen.

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Explore Our Other Services

  • Security Assessments & Advisory

    Assess the state of your security posture and develop a sustainable program to guide security efforts in the future.

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  • Digital Forensics & Incident Response

    Our security experts are ready to respond to threats 24/7.

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  • Policies & Training

    We will assist in policy creation, implementation, and then train your employees on what it all means.

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Interested In Engaging With

Soteria's Team Of Experts?

We tailor our solutions to the security needs of the organizations with whom we work. Know you need help, but not sure where to start? Let's schedule a call to discuss. Fill out our brief form below and we will reach out shortly!